Thursday, May 25, 2006

Investor news

We're always delighted to see new, innovative, solutions-based thinking at work. While the artless whine, the art world dreams of a better future. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, as Joey Bishop no doubt said.

And are we surprised that the effervescent Bono is one of those helping to pave the way forward?



the ink slinger said...

I must correct you there, Burt.

It wasn't Joey Bishop who said that. It's actually been attributed to his Salford-based second cousin, Emily.

Burt Shane said...

Thanks for the correction, Lucien.

And how delightful to be reminded of Emily Bishop, that notorious wag and bon-vivant. I can remember, as if it were yesterday, how her performance at the Neilston Cattle Show resulted in a year long quarantine of that noble burgh.