Sunday, September 04, 2005

Investor Alert 2!

We at Lazenbee Industries have endeavoured, as plainly as we possibly could, to direct the gaze of the Behaviour Actualisation community towards something other than their stock portfolios - namely, maintaining control. And yet, we now sit dumbstruck at the, frankly, ham-fisted performance now in evidence at the Head Office. If this keeps up, the privatisation of the public will have to wait.

White House Press Briefing:

MR. McCLELLAN: And we -- if you look at what the Department of Transportation, for instance, has done, they have moved I think approximately 1,000 truckloads containing more than -- nearly 7 million Meals Ready To Eat to the region. They have moved millions of gallons of water, 15,000-plus tarps, 10,000-plus rolls of plastic sheeting, 3.4 million pounds of ice that they have helped to transport to those who are in need of those supplies.

Q But none of that means anything to somebody who has been living on an interstate overpass for the last three days, without food or water, or any kind of assistance, local or federal.

MR. McCLELLAN: As we were passing over the region yesterday, Bill, we saw people that were standing on those highways, those highways that just disappeared into the water. We saw people that were on rooftops. We saw helicopters in the distance engaged in search and rescue operations as we were passing through the region.

Our concern, first and foremost, is with the people who have been displaced or affected otherwise by this major catastrophe. It is a major catastrophe and there is a major response to this catastrophe. And the federal government will continue working to do everything in our power to get help to those in need. But we certainly understand the frustration coming from people on the ground who are in need of help and we will continue working to get them the assistance that they need. We appreciate the efforts of all those in the region who are working round-the-clock to make sure that they are getting help.

Q Are you going to bring back any National Guardsmen from Iraq to help?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think that the military talked about that a little bit yesterday. I think you're talking about two separate priorities and we're addressing both. And they'll be talking later today, I think, about some of the ongoing increase in the number of National Guard units that are being deployed to the New Orleans area to meet the security and law enforcement needs that are on the ground.

Q Do you have enough troops on hand?

MR. McCLELLAN: I think that they've indicated that, yes.

Q Scott, what impact is this having on the budget? Are you preparing a budget supplemental to take care of it, or how much money are we talking about?

MR. McCLELLAN: That is a good question.


Burt Shane said...

As opposed to a bad question - like "does the Bush Adminstration have *any* idea what's it's doing?"

Anonymous said...
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the ink slinger said...

Are you, by any chance, my long lost father, the Marquis de Cloches d'Enfer?

Burt Shane said...

Sadly, no. I did however, perform in a cabaret act with the Marquis...but the putrid stench which eventually emanated from that stage forced me into a different "line" of work....